Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well, it’s been a few days, hasn’t it? I really do want to procrastinate, but I just can’t seem to get around to it. None-the-less, let’s get started again. Perhaps you have noticed that there are precious few links appended to this site. This is by design. There are so many sites wanting to be linked to out there that things can get cluttered. I have decided to take my time in reviewing various and pertinent sites so that, when added to the list, you can be assured that that site is substantive and pertinent to the subject matter that is being reviewed. As the months go by there will be plenty enough sites added, fear not.

Notice that a new category has been added to the list of Links. I have entitled it Wayward-Bound? What is meant by that, and why the question mark? There are many Christians out there who are very concerned by the recent “success” of that phenomenon loosely described by the term church growth. The term here-used is referring to the efforts of promoting church growth generated by such groups as the Purpose Driven system, the Emergent/Postmodern “conversation”, those redirecting their efforts to be “seeker friendly”, and various other efforts to remove confrontation from the Christian/Biblical message. As has been previously alluded to, these efforts may be removing barriers to apostasy and to whatever degree that that contemplation may be true, to that degree these efforts are causing the visible, man-made Church to be in a wayward-bound state. As has also been alluded to, there are many solid Christian brothers and sisters participating in this phenomenon. Thus, the question mark. Are we indeed wayward-bound? The remnant, i.e. the true church is contained within that man-made church. Are we to be extracted from such an environment, or are we to augment such efforts?

The single entry contained within this category is manifestly resistant to such growth techniques and methodologies. Slice will be the first of many. I have decided to list both pro and anti growth sites. It is not the desire here to set up straw dummies that are easily knocked over. I will do my best to link to the most penetrating of both belief systems that are available. The visible church is obviously in flux. If headed in the right direction, let’s support those efforts, if not, there’s a freight train coming.

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