I found this article on World Net Daily last week: http://www.wnd.com/2012/05/u-s-military-developing-spychips-for-soldiers/
To one who understands that famous passage in Rev. 13 that alludes to "the mark of the beast" - and understands it to be an event that is not only literal in it's meaning but also yet to be realized in a future time - instantly the thought that comes to his or her mind upon reading the article is that this is nothing short of what can be accurately identified as "mark-of-beast technology".
And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead. - and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name - Here is wisdom, Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Rev. 13:16-18 NASB)
The essence of the article is suggested by the bemoaning of some who were interviewed that there will be an unstoppable progression from the chipping of military personnel to a "computer chipping for all". The article states that "The U.S. military wants to plant nanosensors in soldiers to monitor health on future battlefields and immediately respond to needs, but a privacy expert warns the step is just one more down the road to computer chips for all". This process is to be generated and controlled by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
For details read the article.
Now the point that I wish to raise is not that this is necessarily a bad thing. Logically it seems to be a reasonable and profitable thing to do. Micro chipping of a human being is not intrinsically an evil exercise. Credit card fraud could be eliminated, illegal persons identified, criminal records along with medical records could be instantly surfaced, etc. - HOWEVER - it appears that there will be a time when an evil, blasphemous, all powerful beast of a man will use such technology to cause some in the man-made visible church to turn from the faith and to abandon Christ the Redeemer and the true Christian community and to give allegiance to this false Christ. The possibility that any one of us could make such a decision at that time should absolutely frighten us. Rev. 14:9-11 should stagger the Christian community to whatever degree one perceives this chipping to be an inevitable progression toward the events described in Rev. 13 and 14. I fear that that sobriety is lacking in the Church as a whole at this time.
So a tiny chip now becomes a gorilla in the middle of the room. The question demands an answer: Should a Christian military man or woman refuse this chip or any other chip yet to follow? I do not have the answer. I know that this is already a conflict in the lives of some. Will a man become a candidate for Rev 14:9-11 if he takes this chip? Of course not. No allegiance is demanded to anyone by so doing. Will some Christians refuse any kind of implant in the future? Yes, some will. Would that be a good discipline to place oneself under? Yes it would. Isn't it interesting that these questions are even being raised. This so-called information age; this exponential age; this increasingly godless age seems to be surfacing such subject-matter.
Again, I have no answers to suggest the one and only answer to such questions. What I am strongly suggesting, however, is that our community needs to become evermore alert to the progression of what seems to be biblical events that suggest the soon coming of our Lord and all of the godless, hateful, lawless and blasphemous activities that precede that coming ( 2 Tim. 3:1-5)
To whatever degree that we perceive such activities to be Biblical; to that degree let the frustrations of the moment drive us into His bosom and drive us into affection for His community of believers. Be sober - be alert - encourage one another - assemble together.
The King is coming!
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