And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty -six. (Rev. 13: 16-18)
So, how close are we to getting such a mark, one might ask? Consider this article authored by C. W. Getz in The American Thinker (Dec. 10). Alluding to the insecurity of various cards to correctly identify the card holder, whether they be ID in nature, credit cards, drivers licences, etc., etc, the author says this:
Some complex problems have simple soutions. Gaining acceptance and implementing the solutions are often complex. Consider these four seemingly disparate problems: (1) pernicious, intrusive passenger security measures at airports, (2) credit card fraud, (3) stolen personal identity, and (4) illegal immigration. They do have an element in common: personal identification.
The author goes on to consider the motivation for solving these various problems. If we can consider that there are many more problems that will some day force the issue, may we posit as a given that the motivation for a solution will soon be so strong that that solution, whatever it will eventually be, will be demanded and thus will eventually be accomplished.
His solution? A national ID card that ties the bearer of the card with the card itself. That card would be one's social security card and the vehicle for tying the card with the bearer of said card would be a biometric identifier such as fingerprints or eye/face scans. Perfect - complete - foolproof - simple! Biometric technology would authenticate the bearer of the card as the person that the card claims him, or her, to be. The technology is already here he claims. And, of course, that technology is indeed here. One could reasonably claim that the technology demanded by Rev. 13:16 is also available at this time. The only impediment to such usage is a world community that is not quite ready to collapse. The technology is here - the international will is yet to be - the strongman/beast awaits.
What is of interest here is the fact that the author ties none of this sequence with the biblical narrative. He (and the entire godless world-community) thinks this to be a good idea - And it is! In the natural realm it is. The passage that the revelator John narrated will be accomplished. The implication here is that it will be accomplished in the soon future.
In the natural realm this is a reasonable, logical and productive activity to accomplish.
In the spiritual realm it will force a terrible decision-making sequence to all who claim the name of Christ. Now is the time for sobriety; now is the time to prepare for such a day. Please do not make the mistake of implying a hand-wringing mentality here. The technological transition from card to hand or forehead will be effortless. The response to such a scenario will be eternal. Stand firm!
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