Monday, April 22, 2019

Hedge Removal

OK -
So It's Been Awhile!
There was a time when I thought that I may never return to this site. Mediocrity and dormancy were my friends. However, in my observations of the current insanity that has become the mind-set of the current world community, I find that I must reengage.
How Dare I Not!
Let me explain.  Isaiah the prophet recorded the following upon hearing God's voice concerning National Israel and her rebellious ways: 

So now let Me tell you what I am going to do to My vineyard: I will remove its hedge and it will be consumed; I will break down its wall and it will become trampled ground. I will lay it waste; It will not be pruned or hoed, but briars and thorns will come up.  I will also charge the clouds to rain no rain on it.  For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Judah His delightful plant.  Thus He looked for justice but behold, bloodshed; for righteousness, but behold, a cry of distress

The bold has been added to the passage found in Isaiah 5:5-7. Let's consider this passage to be a metaphor for the Day in which we live. Further, let's postulate that we are living in the very last of days as we approach the end of the reign of godless Man upon the earth. There are eschatological conditions found in Paul's warnings to Timothy found in 2 Tim. 3:1-5 describing sinful behaviors that have so often  been practiced by those described in that passage that they have become the very inner-nature of those so described.  It is becoming apparent that in the world-community today that there are those who practice those same traits described in Paul's warnings. They are being emboldened to pursue a condition of international rebellion in their lust for power to such a degree that such pursuit may be irreversible. They abound and they seem to posses precious little inhibition.  These are the current leaders of the world-community. Such conditions may well provoke the wrath of God as we further approach His Coming. Lawless utterances are being shouted out by the major leaders of the world community today;  Those who call  the evil to be the good and who substitute the darkness for the light are those who are currently inviting the woes of God found in Isaiah 5:20f. We live in the information age; an age unlike any other - rebellions can be unleashed in a nano-second.
If you will allow for the metaphor to be one that is describing the world-conditions that prevail in the day in which we are currently engaged, then let's further consider that God may well have a "hedge of protection" currently restraining the total unleashing of hatred by the godless world community against His current vineyard. That big Bear Paw-of-a-Hand that is currently restraining total evil may soon be finally removed with the eschatological results that have been awaiting Man since the day of rebellion in the Garden of Eden.


 If the restraints against evil are totally removed, will godless Man always and immediately do that which is evil? - Well, the question is obviously rhetorical, and, as it should also be obvious, it is my strong suggestion that, yes indeed, godless man will always seek the licentious inclinations of his, or her, heart to do that thing that will immediately gratify and lead to that final rebellion reserved for the wrath found in the passages alluded to in the books of 2 Timothy and Isaiah - please read.
                                                        Please Consider:
The Godly of the World have lost the information-flow of facts. 
Consider that we have been witnessing a paradigm-like shift concerning civility in our country for the last two years.  The powerful leaders of the political party that has been out of power for that time has exercised no restraint in expressing hatred for the current President.  Indeed, the political Left, along with the Media, along with academia, along with the entertainment community have exercised no restraint in the vomiting-out of the vile language expressing that hate even in public venues - and - in their eyes they have paid no political price. They have no reason to self-inhibit this unrestrained activity.
Let us observe, also, the flow of illegals immigrants ready to hemorrhage into our country. There seems to be an unlimited supply of money, along with an agenda, to direct its flow and it is painfully obvious that they will strongly support the same political party that approves of the agenda and is expressing that hate.

When the current POTUS is out of office there will be a huge vacuum that will demand to be filled. Will there still be a hedge-like protection inhibiting the godless from filling it?  Their frustration (not being able to hate the POTUS out of office) will be their motivation to maximize their renewed power and they will have no inhibitions to abuse that power. Will we be ready?

Sorry for the tedium - it's been a while.

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