Sunday, April 20, 2008


Just went to see Ben Stein’s “Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed”. Good Job. What the man has done is to force this documentary-like expose into the community when those who control the information-flow would restrict such information. So what’s it about?

First of all, Intelligent Design is an ongoing effort to research and explain the scientific evidence that posits that the incredible complexity of life on this planet can be best explained as the result of intelligent design. This, of course implies a designer. Secondly, it is being claimed by the documentary that such a scientific effort is being suppressed by many in the Darwinian/scientific community. Most of us in the Christian community don’t know that a controversy exists regarding the origins of the material universe, the creation of life, and the reason for existence in general. I think that we are comfortable in ignoring the claims of Evolution because it would strain our belief that “in the beginning God...” Well, this expose is not so much about there being good science that refutes the claims of Neo-Darwinian Evolution, and there is certainly very good science that does just that, but rather that there are those in the “scientific community” that are actively engaged in suppressing such scientific endeavors.

There are several posts commenting on the documentary found at Uncommon Descent (April 19). If you are saving to your address book such sites (that deal with the ID/Creationism debate) this is certainly one that you must have. This site is world class. Dr. Demski and friends comment on matters that reflect Intelligent Design as causation of much of the phenomena that manifests our universe. To those who are inclined to personify that Intelligence as the God of Scripture go to the site dedicated to such things at The Institute for Creation Science (ICR). Neither site will insult your intelligence. These are world-class scientists who deal with the rote data of science and justify their claims within the confines of that arena. While we are at it, here is a book that deals with the fossil record from a creationist standpoint: Evolution: the fossils still say NO! (Duane T. Gish, ICR, 2006). Are you a little nervous as a Christian to get into this area? Don’t be. The rote data is on our side. If I were a neo-Darwinian scientist, I would be embarrassed by the fossil record. I suppose that is one of the reasons that some in that community must suppress the claims of ID/Creationism as valid science.

Anyway, go see this doc. Take some friends. We will discuss this large issue much more in the future.

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