Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Gone Fishin

I will be gone for a few days. The family (children, grand-children, in-laws, etc) is leaving for San Francisco today to visit my roots and just have good fellowship together. Jan and I will deflect off for a day or two to visit a brother-in-Christ who is in the state penitentiary at Vacaville.

So, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and to yours. Let’s all gather around family and pursue our unity as family and our unity in Christ. The key word here would be pursue.
I shall return to babble again.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Seduction of Church Growth

So, where am I going with this site? To tell you the truth, I’m not terribly certain that I know. As I observe the unfolding of events in this world vis a vis the Church, it seems apparent that something is wrong and needs to be dealt with in some way or another. One phenomenon that appears to be new and seems to be troubling in nature is the emerging of the emergent. To those of us who are only now beginning to become aware of the thrust toward emergent theology, much investigation, with integrity, needs to be engaged at this point.

Here’s how I see the thrust of much of current Christianity: There exists a methodology that appears to be an umbrella covering three dove-tailing tactics. That umbrella would be the methodology of the business-like efforts to promote church growth. The first tactic is to be observed through the efforts of the purpose-driven movement. See what the people want and give it to them. The second becomes a fruit produced by that movement and a major tactic at the same time. Be seeker friendly. The third, and the one to be most feared, is self-described as The Emergent Church. Your standards and absolutes may not be mine. God loves all peoples. Stop quenching those who are not Christians with your fundamentalist (read tyrannical) absolutes. Let’s reason together. These three seem to dove-tail. If not sisters, they, at least, appear to be cousins. Should they be feared? Perhaps they should; perhaps they should not. Let’s explore such things as we observe those unfolding of events in the near future. The damage that becomes potential to the Church lies in the fact that such tactics may be removing barriers to apostasy. The participant may, or may not, be apostate in nature but may be removing barriers to apostasy. Emergent says no to fundamental and authoritative systems of belief. Indeed, all three tactics seem to be growing at the expense of the absolutes that have been traditional evangelical thought.

In observing such efforts it becomes quite clear that church growth techniques have been, and will continue to be, spectacularly successful. This is a good thing; not so? They certainly become seductive, and even addictive in nature. Questions beg to be asked however: Are we becoming Laodecian-like in nature? Are we reasoning with an enemy that hates Christ and His people? Many more questions await. Hopefully some answers will arise. Perhaps I will become a missionary to the missionals.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ezekiel 36-39

We just completed a study into chapters 36 through 39 of the prophet Ezekiel in our home group. Yeah, that Gog and Magog thing. Two more-than-weighty thoughts come to mind: First of all, to those of us who believe that these events are yet to happen, I invite us all to lean over and feel those vibrations from the railroad tracks again. WOW, this is getting serious, beloved. That freight train is getting close! Secondly, to those of you, who believe that these events were fulfilled by General Titus in 70 A.D., and all of the blessings assigned to Israel are meant for the Church, let me suggest otherwise while inviting mutual feedback from my Preterist brothers.

To those of you who are not familiar with the passages, these are the writings of the prophet predicting the invasion by the armies of “that land to the uttermost north” (Russia if you are a futurist), and the armies of Persia (modern day Iran) against “the land of Israel… in the last of days”. If you wish to keep up on current events pertinent to these happenings, I invite you to bookmark the Jerusalem Post along with other Middle-East sites. I also invite you to read these chapters again with much gravity. Russia’s current involvement with Iran is passionate and seems to be mutually productive for both countries. Further, they have in common a disdain and hatred toward Israel. There are some who believe that these events will take place within our immediate lifetime. If so, it seems to me that far more sobriety should be generated within our community than is currently observed. We will pursue these passages to a far greater degree in the future, but for now, let’s address my second thought.

I am not all that knowledgeable about the position held by those who believe that God has terminated His relationship with national Israel. I know enough that I would invite feedback from those who hold this position. I will, with much thought and honesty, consider such feedback. But, let’s for now, pursue a logical sequence: Many questions suggests themselves in the reading of this passage: Who is addressed by the prophet in this passage (indeed, throughout the entire book)? Is it not to the physical land of Israel, “…the mountains of Israel…the hills, the ravines, the valleys, the desolate wastes and the forsaken cities, those who have become a prey and a derision to the surrounding nations (gentiles)? (36:4) Is not the physical land (Eretz Israel) strongly implied? Does this metaphor describe a people with church-like purity?

How does one describe “these people”? First of all, they are “…My people Israel, who will soon come…all the house of Israel, all of it” (36: 8-10) Not only is the return from Diaspora implied, but further, the uniting of the 12 tribes is strongly suggested. These are a people who have defiled the land, have been desolated “for good cause”, who have stumbled, become unclean, been worthy of God’s wrath, shed blood, been spewed out of the land and become scattered. Not only were they scattered, but they profaned His great name in the process. (36:16-20) These are not church-like qualities, one might conclude. Neither are they indicative of a people who might be described as spiritual offspring of Abraham. Here’s my point: It is the very people who are despicable in God’s sight who will be the ones receiving the blessings from that very same God.

When they came to the nations where they went, they profaned My holy name,
because it was said of them, ‘these are the people of the Lord; yet they have
come out of His land’. But I had concern for My holy name, which the house
of Israel had profaned among the nations where they went. Therefore, say
to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord God, It is not for your sake, O
house of Israel, that I am about to act, but for My holy name, which you have
profaned among the nations where you went’. (36:20-22)

Who, then, are these peoples who become candidates for God’s blessing? To whom is the prophet speaking? Better put: What is the fate of these people so described?

Well, they are the people who will be returned to the land. They will be scattered among the gentiles no longer. They will be purged, have their heart of stone removed, and after 3400 years of blindness will have the very God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob reveal Himself to them in holiness (Zech. 12:10), and have the curse pronounced upon them by God’s utterance through the prophet Isaiah (Is. 6:9-10) forever removed. They will live in the land given to their forefathers, will cultivate the land, have the waste places rebuild; they will be one nation in the land (the tribes united), have one shepherd as their prince forever, will enjoy a covenant of peace, have God dwell among them; God will claim them as His people, and cause His sanctuary to dwell in their midst FOREVER!..
Who is to be blessed, here? The Church? Certainly not. It’s those evil people described above, that’s who. (Chapters 36-39) One final question: When were these events (blessings) accomplished? In 586 BC, 70AD, 132AD? Hopefully, one’s exegesis would require a simple response of NEVER. By implication, then, we all await a future event.

If it is as close as some of us feel that it is, then it would seem to be more than important that we acknowledge that fact and act upon it - would it not?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

KayZeez Cry

Let’s take a break from our collective brilliance for a moment.

A beautiful, sweet eleven year old girl had her heart broken recently. It seems as though her 40 year old aunt had recently taken her life. Now I understand that this girl has a very tender heart, and loved her aunt very much. Indeed, the entire family was staggered by the event. She wrote this love letter to her aunt a few weeks after:

Dear Aunt Dina,

I’ll always miss you.

I wrote this poem, just for you, kind of for me I guess too!
When I would see you, with a leap of excitement would jump my heart,
But when you went to live with God…it ripped my heart apart.
So Jesus wants you back I guess,
It’s not like I’ll miss you less.
Even though we’re all a mess,
We’ll forever find time to love you too,
And yet I’ll always miss you.

Romans 16:20

And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen
(Her Scripture)

She claims that these were not her words.
I believe her.

To the “seeker friendly”: There really is evil in the world. We really do have an enemy and he hates us and is attempting to murder our aunts. Be a little more sobered by the moment - please.

To the “watchman on the wall”: There are so-called brothers-in-the-Lord who are leading people astray. I understand that. However, there are also true brothers-in-the-Lord who disagree with us on many matters. They are brothers. It is not subject to our approval. Put the sword back in - please.

To all of the above, we brilliant heroes for God: Let’s weep just a little bit more and slay just a little bit less - please.

How can we weep, when we are so busy being brilliant? Beloved, the whole world is in pain. We need for Him to return.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bifurcating the Church

Much of this site will be regurgitation of my interests in current events as regards the Church. Further, it will be filtered through the lens of an eschatology that is futuristic, and, thus, generates in me a sense of immediacy that requires a proactive look into these events. Are you a Preterist? Don’t worry - Let’s “talk”. Of many of the positions (not all) that disagree with my various positions, I know that many are treasured with ferocity by bible believing, caring, thinking, logical and faithful Christians. Why do we disagree so much, then, and do so with such ferocity? Honestly, I don’t know, BUT WE DO!!

The world is in flux in many ways. So also is the Church. The more high-octane and high-profile of the world’s passions seem to be energized by a godless ethos leading to hostility toward the Church. The dominant flow of Christian endeavor (at least in the West) today seems to be toward church growth. It has become a strategy to some. This phenomenon is not a bad thing per se. Some say that in the use of the tactics thereof (seeker friendly, purpose driven, emergent thinking, etc.), however, much damage is being done to the Church, particularly to its evangelical nature. As I observe the results of these tactics I tend to agree. To whatever degree that those who place themselves under the Church Growth umbrella generate such tactics, to that degree they seem to be doing so at the expense of the substance of the Gospel. Further, this tendency seems to be nourished and encouraged to whatever degree that a postmodern mind-set has dominated the movement. A conundrum arises here! There are many “…bible-believing, caring, thinking, logical and faithful Christians” who are passionate about such endeavors. What then? Well, first of all, I will tend to disagree with them, but not with any “ferocity”, until I investigate into this area much more. What do they know that I don’t? Secondly, I will invite comments by any whose tendency (or even passion) is toward such techniques to respond to this site. Let’s talk.

Consider this in a futuristic/eschatological context (and I do): To whatever degree the cultural mind-set of the world is thrusting toward animosity for the Church; to whatever degree the Church is substituting methodology for substance, and to whatever degree we evangelicals are in slumber over such events, to that degree there is a freight train coming! - NO?

Friday, December 7, 2007


OK, so let’s finally get started. To those of you who know me, you are painfully aware that I have desired to start a web site for over two years now. Why haven’t I, then? I suppose that it has been a combination of procrastination (I’m a seasoned pro), mediocrity, fear, and ignorance of how to manipulate the Internet that has caused the delay. Why start now? Frustration and a sense of obedience compel me to finally unleash the hounds within me. I honestly understand what Jeremiah must have gone through (20:9). I do not have the same amount of fire within me as did this great man, but there does fester within my stomach enough fire that I would be in disobedience to His calling if I did not utter forth at this time. WOW, what did I just say?

The godless world system is heading for an accounting that will be biblically eschatological in its finality. The godless seem to be willingly ignorant of this thrust to final destruction, and it seems apparent to me that the Church will do nothing to prevent its biblical outcome. The Church, on the other hand, should be more than a little sobered by just such a scenario. We seem to be intellectually certain of our (various) eschatological positions, but, in my opinion, we are not experientially sobered by the moment in which we live. This is a generality, but, in my opinion, the Church is not sobered by the moment in which she lives! We are arrogant, are divided (in our great brilliance), are thrusting toward religious success at the expense of biblical absolutes, are thus removing barriers to apostasy and tending toward a Laodicean mind-set, and are, to that degree, not prepared for what is about to come upon us. Beloved - THERE’S A FREIGHT TRAIN COMING, and lives are at stake; eternal lives.

Obviously, details will follow. Does this offend you? Are these generalities outrageous? I will not be kind to the Church to whatever degree I perceive it to be in partial slumber. It’s not my job. Also, understand that this site will not appeal to a straw-dummy church; a liberal, humanistic church that we will probably agree is in flux toward apostasy. My appeal (warning) is to the true Church, i.e. the remnant, the called-out - US.

Finally, know that I have chosen this site in order to express my (God-given?) opinions (utterances?) in order to not put at risk those who are in authority over me. I have been a Christian for forty years, have put myself under the authority of my pastor, the elders in my church, the Sunday school teacher under whom I sit, under the authority of the nursery school leader whenever I go in to change diapers, etc. etc. This is my site. If anything is written that is blasphemous, apostate, shallow, outrageous, or whatever, then understand that I, and I alone am the culprit. OK, so let’s get started. As this site (hopefully) gets more sophisticated, some of you will want to respond. Be kind, as I will be to you. (Heb. 10:23-25)